page contents

I strive to keep communication at the forefront of my classroom.  The more connected you are to are classroom the more involved you become in your child's education. 


1)    Newsletters: Weekly newsletters are sent via email to you each Friday.  If you do not have an email address, or prefer to have a copy instead, please let me know and I will send the newsletter home on Monday.


2)   Website:  I have a website that is updated every week.  Newsletters are also uploaded weekly to my website.  My website address is:


3)   Email/Phone Calls:  You can always send me an email or give me a call.  My email is [email protected].  The school phone is 239-542-3551.  The office is open from 7-3:30 each day.


4)  Focus:  All parents need to create a Focus account.  Information will come home soon to help you register if you have not already done so.  You can use Focus to access your child's grades or other performance measures at any time.

5).  Class Dojo: Class Dojo is a great way to stay connected.  I will post pictures and video of fun classroom activities.  It's also an additional way for you to communicate with me if needed.  Students can also earn points for positive behaviors in the classroom.