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Welcome To Mrs. Nardini's

Class Website....Room 106!!










Friday, February 28th- Wear Jeans for Genes ($2 donation)





Every Monday is School Spirit Day! Show your Patriot Pride! Wear red white and blue!


Friday, March 14th- 12:40 Dismissal/ Staff Training/ Please send in a snack!


Tuesday, February 25th- Mid-Year Conferences


Friday, February 28th- 12:40 Dismissal/ Staff Training/ Please send in a snack!








  Our Weekly Special Schedule 

Monday- Technology (Martiak)


Tuesday- Phys Ed (Kobryn) *sneakers*


Wednesday- Music (Squiteri)


Thursday- Art (Frisco)


Friday- Phys Ed (Kobryn) *sneakers*

welcome classroom 


First grade is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning. Please work with your child to establish a daily routine (checking folder, completing homework,  I am looking forward to a very exciting and productive year working with you and your children. 

 Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions or concerns please just let me know!


My email is [email protected].



Mrs. Nardini







Math Program:

Go Math!



Students will have math homework every night. The homework will review the skill(s) taught in class that day. Some worksheets will be taken out of the workbook (2-sided), or a printed handout (1-sided). Quizzes will be given weekly to ensure the students are grasping each skill. Chapter Tests will be annouced a few days in advance. 


We will be working on ixl again this year in school and at home! This is a great way for your children to practice their math skills, and for me to see their levels. If you have any questions just let me know!






Language Arts Notebooks and Reading Workbooks should be coming home every night!  


Please review the story & spelling words at home each night.

They will also be coming home with a review homework worksheet. This is so they practice their vowel sounds and parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives) 







 We will be working on a lot of fun activities &

projects in school for Science and Social Studies this year! The children will not be coming home with homework in these two subjects, unless they have incomplete classwork from that day.