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Hello and Welcome Back to My Page!!


My name is Michael Penn and I am your student's physical education teacher. I have been in the BBOED for 21 years and it is still my pleasure to introduce sport and fitness to children of all ages and skill levels. I studied at High Point University where I received my bachelors degree in science and education. I am looking forward to a very healthy and prosperous year. The grading policy is as follows...Participation is 70%, (Which includes participation in the SGO testing sequence and Ed-Puzzle completion.) Preparedness is 15%, (which includes proper dress/footwear or to be more precice "sneakers." Although they are popular, "Croc's" and "Uggs"will not be allowed as they do not properly support the ankle during active play.And, Character is 15%. Please be familiar with my classwork/written work grading policy. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me through Schoology or in Person at anytime!!! Also, please check the school website and our school's digital backpack often to keep up to date with important information!!

My Grading Policy Is As Follows:

Participation=70% (Try Your Best)

Preparedness=15% (Sneakers are a Must)

Character=15%(Sportsmanship and Overall Attitude)




Living a Healthy Life -- Wellness and Physical Fitness


Living a healthier life can not only extend your life, it can also improve the quality. Feeling physically better and having control over your own life can greatly increase your mental health as well. Although there are some aspects of physical and mental health that are beyond an individual's (and science's) control, there are many things that people can do to improve their quality of life. Here are some things to consider...

Nutrition and Meal Preparation
    •     Dietary Guidelines
    •     Having a Balanced Diet: The Food Pyramid and Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs)
    •     Food Preparation and Safety
            Cooking/Preparing Foods

Exercise and Physical Fitness

    •     Types of Exercise
    •     General Guidelines For Exercise
    •     Maintaining a Healthy Weight
    •     Exercise On the Go!

Prevention and Regular Check-Ups
    •     See your health care providers regularly!

Conclusion: Overall Health = Physical and Mental Happiness

Begin: Click the link on the sidebar to take THE TEST and see how your understanding of fitness measures up!
When your finished with the test browse some of the other links to research  topics to on how You can chane your overall quality of life!