page contents




            Mrs. Yuscavitch's 1st Grade 
First Grade is an exciting time where children embark on new adventures and learning. I believe that communication is the critical success factor for the parent-teacher relationship and maintaining open communication.  We can work together to ensure that your child stays on track and receives the best education possible.  I welcome any questions and concerns and look forward to a wonderful school year!



Keys to a successful school year:


  • Read the story of the week
  • Make sure your child's homework is checked and signed every night
  • Sign and return any test papers sent home
  • Look at behavior face in folder



Monday Physical Education Kobryn
Tuesday Music  Carujo
Wednesday Art  Frisco   
Thursday Physical Education Kobryn
Friday Technology Martiak







FUNdations Basic Keywords 



FUNdations Alphabet Chart



Upcoming Events




March 14 12:35 Dismissal Staff Development 

March 25 12:35 Dismissal (Conferences for some) 

March 28 12:35 Dismissal Staff Development 



























FUNdations Trick Words 

(children must know the trick words)



FUNdations Trick Words



Sharon Yuscavitch


[email protected]