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Wow!  Welcome to Walker Junior High School.


Things have changed quickly.  We are all starting a new school and also doing it in a hybrid situation.  Who would have thought we have some many changes so fast.  I sure didn't.


To be honest, this situation is new to all of us.  This is a learn as we go situation, so I ask for your partience.  Hopefully, things are going smoothly for all of you.   


Since we are going hybrid which means half of the time you are physically at scoool and the other half of the time you are learning virtually, there are a few things I need to share with you.  We will be using Google Classroom for virtual learning as well as face-to-face learning for many of you. 


To join my REMIND, text 81010@fohn.  If you would rather email, my email address is [email protected].  Classroom codes for google classromm are as follows:  6th - 7uaowdn, 7th - 52uo42f, 8th - ki5v22g.


Again, remember that I am thinking about you and want you to stay safe and try to keep your family safe.  WASH YOUR HANDS TO THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG USING SOAP AND WARM WATER, practice social distancing, and COUGH OR SNEEZE INTO THE INSIDE OF YOUR ELBOW.   Be kind to one another.  Have patience.  Be considerate and thoughtful.  


 Mrs. Fohne