The Title I program is designed to help improve a student's achievement level in English Language Arts and Mathematics. I provide Language Arts and/or Math support to students in Grades 2. I provide Language Arts support to students in Grades 3 and 4. This is done through small group and one-on-one instruction within your child's classroom. WIN (What I Need) will be implemented to add an additional layer of support to students on an as needed basis. This is one on one or small group intervention focusing on a specific skill or skills.
Reading with your child is one of the best ways to help them improve their reading. You can help them to explore their world, one page at a time! I found a great new website for our young readers who may need additional help with different letter sounds and practice writing letters. I shared the link on the Main Menu list, over there on the left of this text.
Make reading a daily habit / Read in front of your child / Create a reading space / Take trips to the library / Reread favorite stories / swap books with friends and family / let your child practice reading a food menu /
use flashlights for reading in darker rooms / use reading sticks to help keep your place and focus / read books that help your child explore their interests
Here is a link to a video "Your Fantastic Elastic Brain READ ALOUD! ~ Stem for Kids"
Young children love using their hands, so it’s beneficial to incorporate that instinct when helping your child with math at home. For example, use bingo chips, Legos or other objects to help your children visualize abstract concepts. Instead of writing 3 – 2 =1 on a white board, use the bingo chips to explain the same concept. Play math bingo. Choose whatever skill you want to practice such as addition, subtraction, etc. A quick Google search will give you the directions. Create paper plate clocks to help your children tell time and become more familiar with the numbers on the clock. Ask them to tell you what time it is throughout the day. Students benefit from learning how to read both analog and digital clocks.