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Welcome to Miss Collins Class!


Clipart reading student, Clipart reading student Transparent FREE for ...







Vision Statement: 


Together with all Stakeholders:


Prepare All Scholars to Succeed in A Global Economy




Mission Statement: 

Accept no excuses and educate all scholars by providing:

- A challenging curriculum (RIGOR)

- Connections to their lives and futures (RELEVANCE)

- Respectful and Positive Relationships (RELATIONSHIP)



 3rd and 4th Grade Team:


Caitlin Collins (3rd Grade ELA, 4th Grade ELA, 3rd Grade SS)- [email protected]


K. Arlie(3rd and 4th Math, 3rd Science)- [email protected]


C. Alexander (4th Science)- [email protected]


V. Carter (4th Social Studies)- [email protected]






Leadership Team:


Chantell Walker (Principal)- [email protected]


Melissa Green (Assistant Principal)- [email protected]


Dayna Nicholas (School Secretary)- [email protected]