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1. Understand all written and verbal lab instructions before attempting any lab procedures. If in doubt, ask the instructor/look at the instructions. Do not modify or change lab procedures unless instructed to do so, follow instructions at all times. 


2. Do not roll around on rolling chairs, lean on chairs and/or flip/move tables/table tops when in the steam lab.

3. Properly utilize room equipment (hot glue guns, electronics, VR Goggles, Robots, Makerspace, 3D printers, etc.) as demonstrated by the teacher.


4. No running, throwing, pushing, or any other form of “fooling around" while in the lab.


5. Do not touch laboratory equipment (ex. robots, makerspace materials, chemicals, etc.) until instructed to do so by the teacher. 

6. Do not taste any chemicals, or put equipment in your mouth (ex. robotic parts, wires, circuits, legos, etc.) in the steam and science labs.


7. Never eat, drink, or chew gum/mints in the laboratory center. 


8. Stay within your own laboratory station area at all times, unless instructed otherwise.


9. Report any accident or breakage, including hot glue gun burns, however minor, to the teacher immediately.


10. Nothing (chemicals or equipment) may be removed from the laboratory center.


11. Inform instructor of any liquid spills (ex. chemical and nonchemical) immediately, and follow instructions for proper clean up immediately.


12. Discard broken glass, laboratory materials and chemical waste as directed in the proper receptacles (tell the teacher first).


13. Observe proper use of, and do not interfere with, electrical outlets, water faucets, or fire extinguishers.


14. Never pour chemicals back into stock bottles when working in the science lab.


15. Long hair/Long sleeves must be tied/rolled back when working in the science lab. 


16. Test tubes, when heated, should be pointed so the open end is not aimed at anyone. Never look directly down into the test tube. Never directly smell any substance from a test tube (sweep instead). Always use protective heat-resistant gloves to handle hot objects. Never reach directly over an open flame or steam, when in the science lab.   


17. Shoes that cover the entire foot must be worn at all times when in the science lab.


18. Wear all safety equipment (goggles, gloves, aprons, etc.) as directed by the teacher when in the science lab.


19. Follow all guidelines regarding eye safety, including the wearing of safety goggles, in all lab activities in which any chemical or mechanical hazard exists. Contact lenses must be removed as directed by the teacher, and glasses should be worn instead, when in the science lab.


20. Clean up laboratory equipment and laboratory center as directed by teacher (keep your station clean & replenish at the end)