page contents

Classroom Expectations:


Class Rules (Also refer to Student Discipline/Code of Conduct- Policy 5600)

  1. Be accountable for your actions and follow the school’s code of conduct, and basic classroom etiquette.
  2. Respect yourself and others; this includes raising your hand, staying in your seat, waiting to speak, etc.
  3. Respect school property including lab equipment; do not roll/lean on the chairs or flip/tip/roll tables & table tops, and use equipment and technology appropriately as directed by the teacher and in laboratory safety contracts.
  4. Be prepared and ready to learn; bring all required materials to class and be on time (see Supplies Needed).
  5. Do your best and be honest; never be afraid to fail or try something new.


Supplies Needed, Daily (See Supply List on District Site for more)

  1. Charged Chromebook w/charger and case, headphones,  and login information for all accounts.
  2. Pencil (with erasers), and coloring/art supplies for every class.


Grading Policy

    60% Tests/Projects (includes formal tests and major projects)

    30% Quizzes (includes formal quizzes, mini-projects, and graded assignments/assessments)

    10% Effort (homework, preparedness, and participation)


Graded Assignment Policy 

  1. In this class, there is zero tolerance for late assignments, as time will be allotted for all assignments to be started in class and advance notice of deadlines will be provided days in advance. “You will lose 10 points a day for late work, but no work will be accepted after the third day and the assignment will be averaged as a zero.” Refer to the “High Mountain Effort/Homework/Graded Assignment Policy,” for more information. The only exception will be in emergency cases (or absentees) where a note from a parent/guardian is presented (can be emailed), and/or former arrangements have been discussed and arranged with Ms. Loder, and/or you were absent.
  2. If you are absent you should check on “Google Classroom” when possible to see any notes, assignments, or handouts you may have missed. This will keep you from falling behind. Make up all assignments in a timely manner to avoid any deductions (talk to Ms. Loder about the make-up due date).
  3. Please refer to the “High Mountain School Effort Policy” for deductions on the marking period effort grade. 
  4. Students will be provided with opportunities periodically throughout the marking period to regain points lost on assignments and should be taken seriously.


What We Will Learn This Year (Units & Mini-Units)

Unit 1: Managing Money with the Engineering Design Process

  • Intro to the Engineering Design Process-will use this throughout the year in Warm Up Activities and Projects

  • Intro to CER Writing- Current Events (homework) and comprehension questioning during challenges using EDP 

  • Intro to Edison Notebook/Journal

  • Into to Managaging Money


Unit 2: Green Schools

  • Intro to climate change and change in global weather patterns & effects humans have on the natural world

    • Virtual Reality Goggles for research on climate change and weatherproof buildings- Natural Disasters and Webquest

    • Edpuzzle videos for research/differentiation

  • Green School Building (students build and create a green school that can withstand a natural disaster-hurricane or earthquake)

    • Why are Green Schools needed? Where and how do they currently exist?

    • What are the costs of different types of insurance needed for the school in a natural disaster area?

    • What are the interests of taking out a loan?


Unit 3: Amusement and Theme Parks

  • Intro to types of energy (potential vs. kinetic) & types of simple machines used to engineer and build a roller coaster and other amusement/theme park rides

    • Virtual Reality Goggles for research on roller coasters and other amusement park rides

    • Edpuzzle videos for research/differentiation

    • History of Theme/Amusement parks and success/failures WebQuest

  • Amusement/Theme Park Project (students build and create a model of an amusement/theme park while budgeting for the cost of running this type of business)

    • Running a business includes: 

      • Taking out a loan to start a business (park), what are the interest rates?

      • What goes into creating a theme park? (buying land, getting permits/licenses, inspections, lawyers/personnel/engineers, etc.)

      • What types of permits and insurance are needed to own a theme park? (liabilities)

      • How do you attract customers? (Marketing)

      • How do you keep track of expenditures and profits? (capitals, taxes, sales)

    • VR Research-World Cities (Global System of Hierarchy for finance and trade is the best place to build an amusement park?)


Unit 4: Computing and Networking Systems

  • Review computer and network systems (circuits)

  • Review 3D system (Tinkercad and Dremel DigiLab)

  • 3D Printing Project (design and print own prototype that benefits society) 


Unit 5: Coding & Programming

  • Review intro to coding-what is a code, types of codes, types of coding platforms (Scratch, Javascript, Python,, 1-Hour Code)

  • Lego ENV3 Robot Advanced Functions (build a robot from the expansion pack and complete challenges)

  • “Holiday” Parade Project-(Students build and create a float that can be pulled in a parade-they will program robots to pull the float)

    • Building Float and Budgeting for the materials

    • Where is the money for the float coming from? (Loan, Savings, Checking, donations?)

    • VR Research-Festivals of the World


Unit 6: Data Analysis 

  • Intro to graphing and data collection using Google Sheets (includes types of graphs, data table, and data analysis)

  • Intro to understanding forensic science and criminal financial analyst (what is forensic science? how do you collect different types of evidence? what is criminal finance? how can you solve a criminal case? how can you trace criminal finances? how can you trace the funds of a business?)

  • Data Analysis of the body temperature of a victim using graphs and tables

  • Forensic Science Case (students collect their own evidence synthesize and analyze data, graph data, and explain data in a presentation to solve the Robbery at the Mall case)