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Welcome to the Theatre Department of Hillside High School


Ms. Rachel Pribish

Student Contact: [email protected]

Parent Contact: [email protected]



Drama I

In Drama I, we will explore the essential question, "What is theatre?" Throughout the semester, we will learn about the different roles people can play in the theatre, stage movement, theatre etiquette, pantomime, improvisation, and building our acting skills in scripted scenes. Drama I will contain performance elements that will require participation on behalf of all students.


Drama 2

Drama 2 is a full year course that is meant to be a continuation of Drama 1. In this class, we will explore Stage Movement, Pantomime, Voice, Improvisation, Script Analysis & Tools of Scene Work, Monologues, and Method Acting/Stanislavski. During the year, we will read various plays -- including Shakespeare -- and students will gain the tools to prepare and perform scenes and monologues for their classmates. Students will also particiapte in a Mock Audition at the conclusion of the class.


Drama 3

Drama 3 is a full year course that is meant to be a continuation of Drama 1 & 2. In this class, we will explore Character Analysis, Design, & Musical Theatre, and students will gain the tools to prepare and perform scenes and monologues for their classmates. Students will also participate in play studies -- both independently and in class with their classmates. Students will also participate in a Devising unit at the conclusion of the class where they will work together to construct their own original work of theatre.


Public Speaking:

Public Speaking is a half year course that serves as an introduction to public speaking skills. In this class we will explore nonverbal and intrapersonal communication as well as how to have effective discussions and debates. Students will learn about different genres of speeches including how-to speeches, declamations, recommendations, and personal speeches among others.


What are we doing?

Drama 1: Improvised Scenes

Drama 2: Voice

Drama 3: Character Analysis

Public Speaking: Finishing up our Intro Unit



Grading Policy:

30% Participation/Homework

20% Quizzes

50% Projects & Tests