It's Almost Time for Preschool!
My name is Jamie Credico and I will be your Preschool teacher this upcoming school year. I wanted to write you a letter and tell you how excited I am for the first day of school and cannot wait to meet you! During our time together, I will take you on a magical journey filled with excitement and lots of learning! We will work together while we explore our names, letters, numbers, colors, read stories and learn to work together with our classmates. We will also build in the block area, pretend to be superheroes in dramatic play, create awesome masterpieces in the art area and much more. There is lots of fun and learning to be done and I cannot wait for your first day.
I hope to build strong partnerships with your family so you can be at your very best. Families, it is my goal to provide a safe and enriching learning environment for your child, one where they feel supported to explore the world around them, take risks and flourish! If you would like to reach me before your first day, my email is below. It would be a pleasure to hear from you and to read a little about my new Preschool scholar! This will help me better prepare for your first day. Also, it would be great if you could bring in a family photo. I would love to learn more about the special people in your life. We can display them in our classroom. See you soon!
Your Teacher,
Mrs. Credico [email protected]