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Welcome to Nurse Erika's Health Office


Joke of the Day


Why didn't the orange win the race?


It ran out of juice!


Do you know the benefits of laughter? Laughter is like an emotional super fruit for the mind and body. Laughing helps improve your mood and can even keep your body healthy by tightening core muscles and burning calories! Please check out for more information. 





Updated 6/20/2020


o 1-800-962-1253:For health-relatedandclinicalissues, suchaswhentoseekmedical
attention and proper steps to take if exposed
o 211:Forinformationabouthowtostaysafe,financialassistance,unemployment,
donations, food, and other non-medical needs
o COVID19.nj.govwebsite:Testingsites,casecountsbycounty,andotherresources



Learn what precautions you can take about the Coronavirus

Call the NJ Coronavirus & Poison Center Hotline at
1-800-222-1222 or 1-800-962-1253 if using out-of-state phone

Contact Information:


Erika L. Himstedt, R.N. B.S.N. C.S.N.

School Nurse

Woodbine Elementary School

801 Webster Street

Woodbine, NJ 08270

609-861-5174 x 124



Healthy Chocolate Milkshake  
Yields: 1 milkshake
This thick and creamy chocolate smoothie tastes like a slightly healthier version of a milkshake! The recipe is easily doubled or tripled to serve more.
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  1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender in the order listed, and pulse until thick and creamy. Serve immediately.