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Language Arts and Reading Instruction


What do we practice and accomplish in the English Language Arts Resource Room?



Word Attack Skills and Phonemic Awareness- study of phonemes and decoding skills, explanation of rules to apply, use of word lists, using words in context and in isolation, Orton Gillingham techniques and strategies


  • Vowels
  • Consonants
  • Blends
  • Digraphs
  • Dipthongs
  • Sight words
  • Syllabication

Use strategies to help sound out words such as syllabication and chunking parts of words to arrive at the whole word. Use context clues which means to use the other words in the sentence to help you arrive at the correct reading of an unfamiliar word. Write words 3 times each, write words in sand, name the vowels and their sounds daily, tap out the sounds we hear in a word, break words into syllables. We use a multi-sensory approach. 


Reading Comprehension

The goal is to read for meaning and to understand what message an author is communicating. We practice comprehension by stopping to review what has been read along the way, asking questions, highlighting important information in the text, circling or writing down unfamiliar words, the use of sticky notes to jot down notes where you make connections with the text, and the use of a journal to note important details or facts.


 -Reading of leveled books, novels, articles, short passages, online articles, poems


Practice what Good readers do


  •  Preview
  •  Question
  •  Predict
  •  Infer
  •  Connect
  •  Summarize
  •  Evaluate


Fluency- Read smoothly, clearly, and at an appropriate pace 

  •  Use tracking- point to the words as you read
  •  Change your tone at the beginning of sentences
  •  Respond to punctuation
  •  Repeat the same readings to increase speed and perfect tone 
  • Timed readings




Complete sentences- Capitalization, Overall appearance, Punctuation, Spelling


Grammar- expressing complete thoughts in writing in an orderly fashion; identifying and using parts of speech properly- ex. nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs


Answering open-ended questions using complete sentences and restating the question


The Writing Process- Brainstorming, rough drafts, editing, revising, final drafts, publishing

Use of Graphic Organizers


Writing multi-paragraphs stories and essays - Narrative, Informative, Persuasive 



 What do the words mean? How can I find out or guess what it means?


-Pulling out words from the books we read 

-Use of Wordly Wise Vocabulary Work Books 



Read Alouds


Practicing good listening 


Practicing reading for meaning


Asking questions and making predictions


Taking notes


Making reading a relaxing and enjoyable experience


Teacher/student conferences- one-on-one time with the teacher practicing reading aloud, discussing what has been read, writing about what was read, practice of reading and spelling sight words and other word lists in isolation and within context, applying strategies