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The 2nd Quarter math CSA will be taken December 14, 2018. 




Math Year in Detail:

Unit 1 Ratios and Rates (2-3 weeks)

Unit 2 Adding and subtracting decimals (2 weeks)

Unit 3 Multiplying and Dividing multi-digit numbers and decimals (3 weeks)

Unit 4 Dividing Fractions (3 weeks)

Unit 5 Expressions with whole number exponents (2 weeks)

Unit 6 Area and surface area (3 weeks)

Unit 7 Equations and Inequalities (3 weeks)

Unit 8 Equivalent expressions (3 weeks)

Unit 9 Rational numbers: Introduction of Negative (3 weeks)

Unit 10 Rational numbers and the coordinate plane (3 weeks)

Unit 11 Univariate statistics (4 weeks)

Unit 12 Writing equations in two variables (4 weeks)