page contents


My name is Mary Kay Nell. I am the shool nurse here at Swift School. Please make sure you reach out to me regarding your child's medical concerns. I have attached some important websites and documents that you may need for your child during the schol year.

Please contact me via email or telephone with any concerns or questions. I am always happy to help.


Guidelines in deciding whether to send you child to school or keep them home when they are not feeling well.

Sick Children Belong at Home 2020


All of our classrooms here at Swift are Nut Free. See attached Link for Approved Classroom Snacks.

22-23 Approved classroom snacks and treats.docx




Printable Emergency Action Plans

 SCHOOL Seizure Action Plan 2020-April7_FILLABLE.pdf


Food Allergy Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan 2020.pdf


asthma treatment plan 2020.pdf


Medication order form. Please have your child's doctor fill out form if he/ she needs to have medications available and/ or administered while at school.

Medication prescription doctor order blank