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 The WFMS physical education department’s vision is to instill enjoyment of physical activity, maintaining physical fitness as well as an understanding of team sports.  Throughout various activities, students in our program will learn how to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives.


Grading Guidelines:

Students will be graded in four (4) areas: dressing out, participation, skills test, and written test.

Required Materials:

Students are required to wear a PE uniform and athletic shoes every day.  Students will not receive credit for participating each day that the student doesn’t completely dress out.

Ilness/Injury Policy:

If you are well enough to come to school, but feeling too ill to participate in PE class, or have an injury that prevents you from participating, you must do the following to receive credit:

  • Bring a note signed by a doctor or parent with a contact number
  • Participate in the stretches and any other part of the exercise you feel you can

      *** If you have an injury that prevents you from participating longer than one week, a doctor’s note will be required***

Physical Education Class Activities

          We will cover various units and activities throughout the course of the year.  Some examples of these activities are: physical fitness, volleyball, archery, flag football, dodgeball, basketball, track and field, softball, tennis, badminton, and table tennis.