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Mrs. Dyer’s Class

8th Math

Algebra I



Major Units of Study

Expressions and Equations; Linear Functions; Geometry concepts


Homework policy

Students are expected to complete some type of study in mathematics every night. Most nights there will be written homework. If not, studying notes in IAN or viewing study videos for about 15 minutes will suffice.


Makeup work policy

It is the responsibility of the student to check the make-up work bin upon their return to school. Students with excused absences will be allowed one day to make up work for each day they were absent. If the student fails to complete the makeup work after notification, they will receive a score of “0” in the gradebook.


[email protected]


Remind code

Alg. I: Text @alg70775 To 81010


Math 8: Text @ah66h2 To 81010


Conference Times:

M-F: 7-7:25 am or

Thurs: 3-30 pm





