page contents

Grades: 10, 11, 12

Pre-requisites: none

Half year course



Welcome to Business Applications!  I am so excited for this year to start!  


Your class name is: Introduction to Business Applications

 There are two sections:

Period 1 - Google classroom code: mbn25na

Period 3 - Google classroom code: tfykgm2



This semester course is designed to give the student an overview of the characteristics, organization, and the operations of a business.  It covers the major phases of business activity that typically form the basis for the structure of the majority of business firms.  Students will develop and refine business management skills through book work, power projects that reflect research in the business world and current events.


This course also satisfies your Financial Literacy credit (2.5) required by the state of NJ to graduate.  We will cover 6 modules to satisfy the requirement


Book:  Glencoe: Business Management / Real-World Applications & Connections

Chapters covered: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 11


Chapter 1 – Introduction to Management

Chapter 2 – The Management Movement

Chapter 3 – Careers in Management

Chapter 5 – Businesses, Workers, and the Law

Chapter 6 – Economics

Chapter 7 – International Business

Chapter 10 – Planning and Strategic Management

Chapter 11 – Operations Management and Planning



Grading Scale:


Tests, Quizzes, Projects = 70%

Classwork, Homework = 30%