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May 2022 News – Senior Citizen Resources, Inc.

 *Please check homework/calendar tab every day for assignments and updates* 





Upcoming Events:



Friday, 6/7 - Half Day Dismissal

Wednesday, 6/12 - FIELD DAY, Half Day Dismissal


***We are so excited about Field Day tomorrow! Please have your child wear his/her bright yellow team shirt AND his/her SLTG GYM SHORTS.


Also, please note that the cafeteria will be closed starting Wednesday. Please make sure your child brings a snack and lunch.


Thursday, 6/13 - Half Day Dismissal

Friday, 6/ 14 - LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS, Half Day Dismissal




Upcoming Tests/Projects:

 **study guides on Teams**


MATH Test - Wednesday, 6/5

RELIGION Test - Thursday, 6/8 (please note change of date)




Early Dismissal Days:

On early dismissal days the cafeteria is closed for purchases. Students in 2C should bring in both a snack and a lunch. 




Please check my homework & events tab & Teams for

daily updates/study guides/school reminders etc...



Any questions or concerns please email me at   [email protected]