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August 2024


Dear 4th Grade All-Star,


Welcome to our 4H family! I am looking forward to seeing you all soon and starting our learning adventure together! Our room is ready and all the supplies you need for the year are here for you when you come to school on Tuesday, September 3. All you need to bring on the first day is lunch (unless you are buying), a healthy snack, a water bottle, you, and your smile!


Our schedule in 4th grade is a little different than what you are used to. You are going to travel to another classroom each day for Language Arts with Mrs. Havens (she’s amazing! You are so lucky to get to learn with her!). Math, Science, and Socials Studies will be taught by me in your homeroom. Don’t worry about a thing- we will help you stay organized and know where and when to go to all of your classes! 


We will begin our school year getting to know each other and creating our routines and expectations for our class. I am looking forward to hearing about your summer and getting to know you better. Here’s something about me:  I love to play games- board games, sports, cards, logic games- you name it! Word games are one of my favorite types of game to play.  “Connections” is a game I play a lot, and it’s so much fun! I made up my own version for you to try… bring your answer to school with you on the first day!


Here’s how to play: 


Look at all of the words. You need to organize them into groups of 4, so that each group of words have something in common. For example:


    star     cray     jelly     gold      are all connected because they can have the word “fish” attached to them


     kiwi     lemon    fig    tomato    are all connected because they are fruits


Ready to try? Here’s my puzzle:





rocky road



fire truck  

cookie dough  


chocolate chip


stop sign







Remember- create groups of 4 words that are related to each other. You can only use each word once!


Enjoy the rest of your summer! I am looking forward to seeing you soon!




Mrs. Hammill