Welcome to first grade!
I'm so excited to start a new year! I can't wait to meet everyone! All parents, please sign up to recieve texts from me. Type @1smith22 in the message area and send to 81010. You will be able to text me through this. I will be able to text you important announcements, pictures, or anyting in particular about your student that you need to know.
For homework I will send a math family page and reading fluency pages. Do the activities at home with your child and initial the paper (parent initials, child's name.) Return to school by Friday for prizes, points, etc. If a student is absent for a few days, let me know and I will put the work in Google Classroom. You need to be logged into the student's livingstonschools.net google account to access Google Classroom. The code will be kl5xpze for our class. You will be able to access most of the work through the websites once everyone gets their log in information. This information will be located in their BLACK library folder and should go to and from school everyday. All websites and directions to log in will be in the back of the black folder. We will start using them after library class begins and after we learn how to log in.
I will send a schedule home for treats. We will have some kind of treat/snack as a behavior incentive most Fridays.
Please text or email me at [email protected] if you would like to ask questions or to let me know anything about your student. I will check emails before/after school. If there is something urgent, like transportation change, you will need to send a note or call the school.
Working together with you, your child will have a great school year!