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Fourth Grade


Ms. Serpe - Math

Mrs. Fisher - Language Arts 

Mr. Nixon - Science & Social Studies

Mrs. Gelayder - ESL


 Welcome to 4th Grade


"Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself"

Please use this website, as well as the Bayonne Board of Education website and Schoology, to find out information about homework, tests, quizzes, notes, important school dates, upcoming events, and new/exciting activities that the fourth grade students will be involved in. Read below for some helpful hints and pointers as we embrace the school year together:


 1. Parents, Teachers & Students are "all " part of the learning team -- parental support is a key component to your child's educational success and therefore, we hope that time is provided daily to address your child's homework, important papers that were sent home, and/or test scores reviewed in the home environment


2. Assignment pads contain student daily assignments as well as upcoming assignments/assessments. Please review your child's assignment pad and sign each night. 


3. Multiplication fact families must be studied on a daily basis. It is important that your child reviews and memorizes multiplication facts to increase fluency. There will be weekly fact quizzes to continuosly practice, build, and maintain fluency. 


4. Students should be reading for at least 30 minutes each night. They can read anything that interests them; the most important thing is that they are reading!


5. Utilize interactive websites to further reinforce and practice topics/skills learned in class. Links to interactive websites can be found on this site. 


***Please note that homework is announced and posted daily on the class homework board. It is the STUDENT'S responsibility to know what their homework assignments are before leaving class each day. This website is only a back up. Homework may be subject to change. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.***


Overall, we welcome you to embrace our journey and adventure in our Fourth Grade Class.


Important Dates to Remember:




 ***School spirit attire can be worn every Monday!***


October 7-11th - Week of Respect

October 11th - Half Day, 12:40pm Dismissal (Staff Training)

October 14th - NO SCHOOL (Columbus Day)

October 22nd - Lifetouch Picture Day (Uniforms Required)

October 29th - WCS Trunk or Treat (6-8pm)

October 31st - Half Day, 12:40pm Dismissal


***Check Schoology for information about upcoming events***

