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CP US History I Research Paper



Turn It In Website (REQUIRED)

Log on to the Turn It In website at

If you do not have an account, please create an account.

Select the appropriate class period using the following class codes below and the password that follows.


Period 1:

Class number: 4792776

Password: constitution


Period 2:
Class number: 4792778

Password: constitution           


Period 3:
Class number: 4792781

Password: constitution


Period 7:
Class number: 4792782

Password: constitution


Period 8:
Class number: 4792784

Password: constitution


Current Issue Research Paper (2011-2012)

BEFORE YOU BEGIN!!! -- Please download and print out the necessary writing documents for the paper.


1.  Select a current issue with some relation to law/amendments for the entire class to

examine from the SIRS database.
Username: eggharborhs 

Password: welcome 


Examples:  Lethal Injection Case:  Baze v. Rees, 07-5439.

Voter identification laws:  Crawford v. Marion Election Board, 07-25

DC's ban on guns:  District of Columbia v. Heller


Other cases/issues of interest might include affirmative action, legal rights of Guantanamo

detainees, illegal immigrant &driver licenses, doctor assisted suicide, use of medical marijuana, National ID card, etc.


2.  Identify the issue(s) involved (legal, cultural, economic, etc.) and brainstorm potential thesis statements related to the topic selected.


3.  Demonstrate how to cite[1] (using word) the following sources:  book, newspaper article, web site, magazine article.  Give students a handout and/or web site that explains how to format citations.


4.  For homework, have students locate two articles related to the class' chosen topic.  For each article, they must, on a separate sheet of paper:

  • Ø attach the article
  • Ø write the bibliographical data
  • Ø summarize the article in a maximum of 3 sentences (thus teaching paraphrasing)


5.  In class, write the potential theses statements on the board again.  Have a few students explain their articles verbally, preferably without reading from their homework.  Then ask another member of the class which thesis statement could be supported by the evidence/opinion given by the presenter.  List this piece of evidence (in brief) under the appropriate thesis and demonstrate how the information could be attributed (ex.  According to Justice Scalia, … or The Washington Post reported that …..).   If there is no parallel to any thesis, this might generate a new thesis.   Do this a few times.


6.  Have students identify which thesis they support (pro/con).  Students will brainstorm all the supporting evidence they collected and write down specific ideas (with appropriate cites).  Let them share articles and tell them to research more articles.  In court cases they can listen to oral arguments of cases undecided; and; in cases heard, examine majority and minority opinions.

Students must complete the research paper outline packet! 


7.  Students must identify at least ONE (preferably two) arguments presented by the opposition, again noting the bibliographical info.


8.  Tell students that they must use the collected information to write a 4 page, research based paper which addresses the class topic.  The paper must include opening paragraph with thesis, 3 arguments to support their thesis,1 to 2 rebuttals of the opposing side, and concluding opinion.


9. The grading rubric will be based on the following table.



Grading Rubric for Current Issue Research Paper  or choose the DOWNLOADABLE Version to merge into your document



Possible points

Points earned/comments

Opening Paragraph explaining why a controversy exists, the legalities involved, and the issue that must be decided.   Thesis is clear and definitive.  General explanations of arguments to be presented. Attention is given to grammar, spelling, transitional phrases and readability.



First supporting paragraph that clearly identifies evidence supporting your thesis.  Proper attribution and in text citation is provided.  Attention is given to grammar, spelling, transitional phrases and readability.

20 points


Second supporting paragraph that clearly identifies evidence supporting your thesis.  Proper attribution and in text citation is provided.  Attention is given to grammar, spelling, transitional phrases and readability.

20 points


Third supporting paragraph that clearly identifies evidence supporting your thesis.  Proper attribution and in text citation is provided.  Attention is given to grammar, spelling, transitional phrases and readability.

20 points


Concluding paragraph which summarizes ideas presented and makes a final case for the position argued.  Attention is given to grammar, spelling, transitional phrases and readability.






