page contents

Strength and Conditioning


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Strength and Conditioning as a course is meant to increase sport specific endurance, strength, and flexibility thus providing a foundation for intensive training and maximal athletic efforts. Participation in this class will also reduce the risk of injuries by improving physical fitness and skill acquisition. Students are expected to exhibit a high level of motivation, cooperation and sportsmanship. Activities include strength training, speed development, mobility training and specific sport related drills, exercise prescription, sports nutrition, supplements, dehydration and the abuse of steroids. 




The course is presently available to all Juniors and Senior at EHTHS and will take the place of their regurlar Health and Physical Education course.




Course Syllabus.pdf 



Strength and Conditioning slide.pptx 



Warm Up Routines


 Stationary Dynamic -   WARM UP 1.docx  


 Moving Dynamic -   WARM UP 2.docx  


 Dynamic Bar -   WARM UP 3.docx  


 Band  WARM UP 4.docx  


 Swiss Ball -   WARM UP 5.docx  





PowerPoints from Class

Carbohydrates_Fats_Protein .pptx 


Sports Nutrition






Meal Frequency.pdf




Smoothies for Athletes




Performance Enhancing Drugs/Supplements
