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¡Bienvenidos a la clase de la Señora Genovese!


Information for particular classes may be found on Google Classroom.

Please use the following codes depending on what period you are in.





This academic year I teach Cp2, CP3 and HN3 levels. Below you will find links to my classes by periods/levels. You can also ask your child to add you as a parent/guardian to the GC page so you can closer monitor assignments, assessments and posts.

Class code: OKL6XIZ

Class code: CIHFPYY
Class code: HEBYYBC
Class code: 3V2GQOV
Class Code: S3AP4IP





*** If you are having difficulty joining the Google Classroom please email me ASAP   [email protected]






I am happy to welcome you to another school year!

My name is Sra. Genovese and this is my 17th year as a teacher in this school district.

I am from Belarus and am very exceited to work as a part of the World Language Department.

This year I am teaching CP2,  CP3 and HN3 levels.

In my classes you will continue improving your language skills and I will do my best to help you. The best way to reach me is via e-mail or schedule a Google Meet.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year.


¡Muchas Gracias y Buena Suerte!










 Internet Grammar Practice links(2).pdf    


  Spanish Accent keys.doc  


  Useful Expressions.doc    


Verb Conjugator