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1. What is the most effective type of condom?



2. List 3 examples of qualities individuals with high self-esteem will have.

Well groomed, a lot of friends, doesn’t put self down, makes responsible decisions


3.  List 3 ways in which you can raise your self-esteem.

            Socialize, find something you enjoy, keep a positive attitude


4. What are the female sex hormones?

            Estrogen and progesterone


5. What is the function of the testes?

            Produce sperm and testosterone


6.  What is it called when a sperm and egg join?



7. What is testosterone? Where is it produced? What is it responsible for?

Male hormone produced in the testes, responsible for making sperm and secondary sex characteristics


8. What is the process by which sperm leave the body?



9. List 3 functions of the uterus

            Where fertilization takes place, shelter for fetus, nourishment for fetus


10. The ovaries belong to which reproductive system?



11. What is a fertilized egg called that has attached itself to the wall of the uterus?



12. What is a developing individual from the ninth week of pregnancy until birth called?



13. What is a caesarean section and why will it normally be performed?

            Surgical removal of the fetus usually performed for high risk pregnancies



14. List 3 things a fetus can receive from its mother.

            Nutrients, oxygen, blood, drugs, alcohol, diseases


15. What is a disorder in the male reproductive system?

            Enlarged prostate, undescended testes


16. Where are egg cells and female sex hormones produced?



17. What is the period of physical development in which the body becomes able to have children?



18. What is the womb also known as?



19. Where does fertilization take place?

            Fallopian Tube


20. What are the 2 functions of the ovaries?

            Produce hormones and eggs


21. What is the tube in which the sperm travel from the testes to the urethra?

            Vas deferens


22. What is the shedding of the lining of the uterus called?



23. What is a high risk pregnancy?

Problem with pregnancy – alcoholics, women 40+, women with STDs, women who have high risk pregnancy in the past.


24. What is the breaking of the water?

            Amniotic sac breaks, signals labor


25. What is the afterbirth?

            Delivery of placenta and umbilical cord


26. What are the first signs of labor?

            Contractions, water breaks


27. Once inside a woman, what are 3 things that can happen to sperm?

            Die, get trapped, fertilize egg


28. What are the monthly changes that the uterus undergoes?

            Endometrium is shed


29. Why should a breast self-exam be performed? How often should it be done? What should you look for?

            To detect lumps and discharge in breasts; done monthy


30. Why should a testicular self exam be done monthly?

            To detect tumors or inguinal hernias


31. What is the last organ the sperm passes through before leaving the body?



32. What is the female reproductive part that is cut and tied in a tubal ligation?

            Fallopian tube


33. What is the structure that is cut and tied off in a vasectomy?

            Vas deferens


34. What is the contraceptive method used to suppress ovulation?

            Birth control


35. What does the word contraceptive mean?

            Device used that prevents fertilization or implantation


36. List 3 signs of puberty in both males and females.

            Increase in height, pubic hair, acne


37. What is a sign of a person who is an active listener?

            Asks questions, repeats back, nods head


38. What kind of family forms when a single parent remarries?

            Blended family


39. What is having a satisfying relationship an example of?

            Good social health


40. List 3 qualities of a friend.

            Empathetic, trustworthy, good listener


41. What is sexual abstinence?

            Refraining from sex


42. List STIs that can be transmitted by ways other than sexual contact.

            Hepatitis, scabies, HIV/AIDS


43. Which STI is caused by a parasite and characterized by intense itching?

            Pubic lice


44. Describe gonorrhea, its symptoms, and its cause.

Bacterial infection; yellow discharge, painful urination, swollen lymph nodes in groin; spread by sexual contact


45. What should you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend tries to pressure you into being intimate and you do not want to be intimate?

            Say no and mean it.


46. What will happen if gonorrhea goes untreated?

            Can spread and cause PID; can cause infertility in males and females


47. What is chlamydia?

Bacterial infection -> easily spread because people don’t always know they have it


48. Which STI is characterized by painful blisters for which there is no cure?

            Genital herpes


49. What is the primary stage of syphilis characterized by?

            Chancre sores


50. List ways in which you can reduce your chance of getting an STD.

            Abstinence, protected sex, no drugs/alcohol


56. What should you NOT do if you suspect you have an STD?

            Wait and hope that it disappears


57. What are special medicated shampoos or medical lotions used to treat?

            Parasitic infections


58. What does it mean when a person is infected by HIV?

            They can infect other people with HIV


59. List 3 behaviors that put people at risk for acquiring HIV.

            Unprotected sex, sharing needles, sharing razors


60. What does HIV stand for?

            Human Immunodeficiency Virus


61. How can AIDS be prevented?

            Don’t have unprotected sex, don’t share needles/razors


62. Who can HIV infect?

            Anyone who does not protect themselves


63. How can you tell if you are infected by HIV?

            Antibody Test (blood test)


64. What is the best way in which to prevent an HIV infection through sexual behavior?

            Condoms, monogamous relationship


65. What should be done if you suspect that you have been infected with HIV?

            Get a blood test


66. What does AIDS stand for?

            Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


67. What are mucous membranes?

            Moist, pink, tissue areas


68. List examples of mucous membranes.

            Mouth, vagina, penis, anus, rectum


69. What fluids contain enough HIV to infect another person?

            Blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk