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Keeping Clothes Clean 




Dear Parents & Guardians,


Welcome to art class!! This is a very exciting experience for your child, as I am just as excited to get to know them and let them get their hands on as much as possisble. Yes! There will be days where we will be using messy art supplies in art class this year. Paints and pastels, for example. Let’s face it, the messier the art supply, the more fun the art making. (Just like the messier the food, the tastier.) As a precaution, the best advice I would like to offer is to simply be mindful of your child’s art day. Just like your child wears sneakers for gym, I would advise not to put your child in their favorite, white or brand-new clothes on their art day. This practice is time savvy and hygienic compared to using art time to get tied into an apron.


Thank you, and I'm looking forward to a fun year in Art!



Mrs. Casey Pfaeffli (fef-flee)

[email protected]