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                            EHTHS SWIMMING RULES

1. NO shoes or socks on deck. Bare feet or flip-flops that can go through the shower only.

2. Appropriate swim attire. Males - swim trunks, no shorts. Females - one piece suits.

SHOWER before coming onto the deck. Wash off any lotions and hair gels (this will keep the pool cleaner).

4. Lock belongings up in gym side locker room.

5. Be sure to turn the shower off. If this becomes a problem, the class will lose the extra time to
change at the end of class.

6. Line up in squad order for roll
5 minutes after the late bell. This includes any medically excused students.


7. My class stays on the designated side of the pool the entire class time. Medically excused students are to sit on the benches on   our side and stay put.  Do not go to other side or ends of pool area.


8. If late to class a detention will be issued.


9. If late to class with a pass and the locker room is locked take off shoes and socks and enter through the pool locker rooms.


10. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO LISTEN! (this means medically excused students also!)

If you are a distraction, you will be asked to sit on side (benches) until dismissal!

No one is allowed in the pool until the teacher gives the okay!!!!

NO pushing people in pool.

NO dunking or rough play in pool!

NO running on the deck. Deck becomes slippery when wet!

DO NOT LEAVE POOL AREA FOR ANY REASON unless instructed by the teacher.  Teacher will dismiss students.


16. Be sure to turn off showers after class!!!!!


17. Do not squeeze out bathing suits or towels on locker room floor - please use showers or sink. Towel off before crossing to gymnasium lockers.



**All medical excuses and papers are due at the end of the marking period. No exceptions will be granted***