page contents


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PDF to readings from the do not always open, but readings do.



Fiction Section of Textbook.pdf  



Nonfiction Section of Textbook.pdf  



Poetry Section of Textbook.pdf 



Drama Section of Textbook.pdf 



Epic Section of Textbook.pdf 



Language Handbook.pdf 



Writing Handbook.pdf 



Reference Section Literary Terms Handbook.pdf 



Internet links to readings....



The Most Dangerous Game



Escape From Afghanistan



The Cask of Amontillado






The Odyssey Invocation through Cyclops.pdf 



The Odyssey Sirens through Scylla Charybdis.pdf 



The Odyssey Test of the Great Bow.pdf 



Romeo and Juliet




NOVEL LINKs............


The Pearl


The Pact


A Long Way Gone


The Secret Life of Bees


Touching Spirit Bear Novel.pdf 


Lord of the Flies









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