page contents

 See Google Classroom for up to date information.

The Keyhole Method of Organization PowerPoint:  The Keyhole Diagram(Rev.15).pptx

Apostrophe PowerPoint: Using Apostrophes.pptx

The Writing Process PowerPoint: writingprocess.ppt

Thesis Statement Examples: Sample Thesis Statements from the Prewriting Exercise.pptx

Active Reading PowerPoint:  Active Reading Strategies.pptx 

Commas PowerPoint:  Commas.pptx 

Irish Civil War:  Northern Ireland.pptx 

Gothic and Romantic Literature PowerPoint:  Gothic and Romantic Literature.pptx 

SAT tips and guidelines:  SAT.pptx  

Paraphrasing Strategies:  Paraphrasing Strategies.pptx 

The Semicolon: The Semicolon.pptx

The Colon (with journal): The Colon and You (without answers).pptx

Nonfiction:  Nonfiction(2).pptx 

"Keep Memory Alive":  KeepMemoryAlive.pptx 

PARCC narrative rubric (scroll to second page for narrative task rubric):   ELA_L_Grade_6-11_July_2015_Updated_Rubric_v3.pdf