page contents

See Google Classroom for up to date information.  

Literary Glossary:  LiteraryGlossaryRev2015-2.docx 


To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Elements: Modified copy of Literary Elements in Chapters 1-7.docx  


Writing Toolkit: WritingToolkit(Rev.15).docx 


Summer Reading Literary Analysis:  LitAnalysisAssnTKaM(Rev.15).docx 


TKaM thematic topics and textual evidence assignment: TKaM thematic topics textual evidence.docx


TKaM prewriting theme assignment: TKaMThemesPrewriting.pdf


Choice novels prewriting theme ideas: ChoiceNovelTopics.pdf


Apostrophe Assignment: ApostrophePractice.docx 


"Recitatif" analysis packet:


Short Story Unit and "The Sniper" text:  The Sniper(Rev.13).docx 


"The Sniper" analysis:  AnalyzingTheSniper.docx 


The Great Gatsby pathfinder/database passwords: 


"Hop-Frog" text:  HopFrog.docx 


"Hop-Frog" analysis:  AnalyzingHop-Frog.docx 


Othello webquest:  Webquest.docx