Some Good News 4-20-20 (1).mp4
Hello Brass Castle Students and Parents.
Tuesday 10-13-20
Please see students Teams Assignments for upcoming assignments. Also, go to Oncourse for assignments turned in.
*Note - Math Mid-Chp 2 Review quiz Friday
Friday 10-9-20
8:30 First in Math 3:00pm
9:00 Home Room, Math Mid- Chp.2 Assessment - Think Central, Things to Do
10:00 Finish math, if done, Mystery Science Arachnids!
11:40 Rules
Thursday 10-8-20
8:30 Read Theory due 3:00pm
9:00 Home Room, Mystery Science
10:00 PMT 2.7 due 11:30
Math workbook 2.7 pg. 103,104 practice/homework due Friday *** Mid Chapter Test Friday ***
11:40 ELA Rules
Wednesday 10-7-20
8:30 First in Math due 3:00pm
9:00 Home Room, Health
10:00 Math PMT 2.6 due 11:20
11:20 Gym
11:40 ELA (English Language Arts)
Vocabulary Unit 2 Test Due 12:30
Math Workbook pg. 97-98 Due 8:00pm
Tuesday 10-6-20
Tuesday 10-6-20
8:30 Read Theory Due 3:00pm
9:00 HR, Social Studies Urban, Rural, or Suburban "Ad Campaign"
10:00 Math 2.5 Video on the Spot
PMT 2.5 Due 11:30am
Workbook pg. 91,92 Due 8:00pm (send pic)
10:30 Library
10:50 Math Due 11:30
11:40 ELA Rules, Sadlier Unit 2: Shades of Meaning - Words That Describe People, Concentration - Antonyms 3 times Due 3:00pm
1:00 - 1:30 Parent book exchange
2:00 11 Amigos team meeting more Rules?
Monday 10-5-20 Week of Respect!
Wear you local team gear or Blue
8:30 First in Math - Due 3:00pm
9:00 HR, Hello "11 Amigos!"
Social Studies pg 11-16. Revisit 3D Map Keys Due 3:00pm
10:00 Math Mid-Chp 2 Review quiz Friday
Today: PMT 2.3 (quick review) 2.4 Video tutorial, PMT 2.4 due 11:30am
11:40 ELA Sadlier Vocab Unit, 2 revisit!
Rules by Cynthia Lord Chp. 2
1:00 - 1:30 Parent book exchange
2:00 Team meeting - vocab games
Friday 10-2-20
8:30 First in Math (see "assignments" ~18 minutes) due 3:00pm
9:00 HR (homeroom) Week of Respect in 'handouts'
Show off your 3D Maps! discuss measurements of High Point (Pictures should be "turned in" in Assignments")
10:00am Math Lesson 2.3, PMT (on Think Central App "things to do" section) due 11:30
11:40am ELA Quick vocab review. Sadlier Vocab quiz (due 12:30pm)
Begin Rules by Cynthia Lord (yay!!)* Also, parent pick up - bring Mr. Popper back and get Rules next week
Monday or Tuesday (Pick up Times 2:00-2:45pm)
Thursday 10-1-20
8:30am Read Theory (about 18 minutes), due 3:00pm
9:00 HR, Character Ed, Ms Tierney, week of Respect
Social Studies/Science- Map Keys
10:00am Math Chp 2 Lesson 2.1
PMT 2.1 due 11:30
11:40am ELA Sadlier vocab due Friday at 8:00am
1:45 National Geographic Finding Dinosaurs with Sabatian Rensselaer- Live!
3D Elevation Map of NJ - due Friday
Wednesday 9-30-20
8:30 First in Math Grand Slam game due 3:00pm
9:00 Health
10:00 Math - Think Central Chp 2 pre-test 1-10 Due 3:00pm
11:40 ELA Sadlier app Vocab Complete the Sentence, Word Associationa due Thursday 8:00am
3D NJ Elevations Map Due Friday