page contents



 If you have any questions, please contact me via email: [email protected]g





I am looking forward to meeting all of you! Please see the list below for supplies needed for class. 



  • charged Chromebook and charger
  • 3-ring binder (can share with another class)

                 *3 tabbed dividers (labeled Reading, Writing, and Word Study)

  • pencils/pens
  • erasers
  • highlighters
  • thin black Sharpie


**Daily instructions, assignments, and resources for all classes are posted on Google Classroom throughout the school year**



 Class Rules:


All students are expected to be RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE


  1. Come to class prepared (a pencil, binder, and charged computer every day)

  2. Follow directions

  3. Complete all assignments to the best of your ability

  4. Meet all deadlines on time

  5. Keep hands, feet, and other materials to yourself




 All homework assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. Homework is graded on completion, effort, and ability to follow directions, not accuracy.  The following point system will be used to assess homework completion:


  • 3 points     All homework sections are completed

  • 2 points    Most (more than half) of the homework sections are completed

  • 1 point     Few (less than half) of the homework sections are completed

  • 0 points     Homework not completed


Late assignments will receive only 1 point since we will have already gone over the answers. 


Homework missing due to an absence is due 2 days after the absence and will receive full credit.


Grading, Tests, and Quizzes:


 All assignments will be graded using a point system.  Points will be accumulated from classroom and homework assignments, as well as tests and quizzes.  The total points earned divided by the total possible points will form a student’s grade.  OnCourse is a good way to check grades and if any assignments are missing. 


  • No grade= Assignment has not been graded

  • 0= Assignment is missing