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*Grades 7 and 8 have PE class on Gold Days; Grades 5 and 6 on Blue Days. 
*Tighe students have Physical Education class twice a week for 40 minutes each class.
*Students are required to wear sneakers and comfortable/athletic appropriate clothing to class.  Due to time constraints, they are not required to change for class but can change quickly in the locker room if they choose.
*Positive sportsmanship and adherence to safety rules is a "must" in the gym. 
*Every student should feel like an essential member of their team and leave the gym with a smile.
* Fitness Awards Program in the fall.
*Students will learn and participate in a variety of team sports including football, soccer, field hockey, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, gaga ball, floor hockey pickleball and softball/kickball type games. 

*We will also be doing "Ultimate Fitness" ongoing throughout the school year which will introduce students to various fitness and training principles.
*Our annual Physical Fitness Day is held in October each year.  During this event, we team up with the Margate Police Department and have a fun-filled, competitive day of fitness activities.