The SQ4R Method of Study
What is SQ4R?
-SQ4R is a versatile study strategy because it engages the reader during each phase of the reading process.
-Readers preview/SURVEY (S) the text material to develop predictions and set the purpose for the reading by generating QUESTIONS (Q) about the topic.
-They READ (1R) actively, searching for answers to those questions.
-They monitor their comprehension as they summarize WRITE (2R) & RECITE (3R).
-They evaluate their comprehension through REVIEW (4R) activities.
-There are many meanings for reading, but the simplest is to CONSTRUCT MEANING FROM TEXT.
-First and foremost you read for MEANING and UNDERSTANDING.
-The correct READING SPEED is the one that gets you that meaning and understanding.
-Reading is an art form and good readers do certain things that get them the meaning that the process is designed to extract.
-Learning anything involves putting yourself in the proper mode that will help insure that meaning can be gotten from the text.
1. I begin with what I already know (activating prior knowledge).
2. I always try to make sense of what I am reading (context).
3. I ask myself questions; before, during and after reading.
4. I predict and think about what will happen next in the text, or how my questions will be answered.
5. I read with purpose. I know why I am reading and what I am reading to find out.
6. I know that as a good reader I often REREAD parts of, or even, the whole text two or more times in order to make sense of what I am reading.
-First, place the reading in CONTEXT. What is the reading about and do I have any prior knowledge about this subject to help me extract the meaning that I'm after ?
-The SURVEY and SYSTEMATIC reading puts this process into motion. You get an overview that will "jog your memory" as you search for prior knowledge on the subject.
-Ask questions about what you don't know.
-Make the questions simple and general if you don't have much prior knowledge and more specific if this is an area of study that is familiar to you.
-Using these questions will GUIDE YOUR SPEED AND COMPREHENSION as you attempt to answer them.
1. Survey what you are about to read
-Systematic Reading
-Think about the title: What do you know about this subject?
-What do I want to know?
-Glance over headings and/skim the first sentences of paragraphs.
-Look at illustrations and graphic aids.
-Read the first paragraph.
-Read the last paragraph or summary.
2. Question
-Turn the title into a question. This becomes the major purpose for your reading.
-Write down any questions that come to mind during the survey.
-Turn headings into questions.
-Turn subheadings, illustrations, and graphic aids into questions.
-Write down unfamiliar vocabulary and determine the meaning.
3. Read Actively
-Read to search for answers to the objectives.
-Respond to objectives and use context clues for unfamiliar words.
-React to unclear passages, confusing terms, and questionable statements by generating additional questions
-Look away from the answers and the book to recall what was read.
-Recite answers to the objectives aloud or in writing.
-Reread text for unanswered objectives.
5. wRite
-Make "maps" for yourself.
-Reduce the information
-Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.
-Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form or using the Cornell Note Taking System.
-Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.
-Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.
6. Review
-Answer the major purpose questions.
-Look over answers and all parts of the chapter to organize the information.
-Summarize the information learned by
creating a graphic organizer (concept map) that depicts the main
ideas, by drawing a flow chart, by writing a summary,
by participating in a group discussion, or by writing an explanation of how this material has changed your perceptions or applies to your life.
1. Survey : Psych yourself up
2. Question: Use previous knowledge
-Intend to remember.
-Anticipate test questions.
3. Read: Be selective
-Create meaningful organization.
4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words
5. wRite: Make "maps" for yourself
-Reduce the information
6. Review: Further reduce the information
-Find personal applications.
1. Survey : Psych yourself up
-a. Title, topic sentence in each paragraph, and introductory paragraph(s).
-b. Headings, subheadings, and italicized words.
-c. Summary at the end of the chapter.
2. Question: Use previous knowledge
-a. Intend to remember.
-b. Anticipate test questions.
-c. Turn each heading and subtitle into a question.
-d. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
-e. Restate the objectives from headings to help fix them in your mind.
3. Read: Be selective
-a. Create meaningful organization.
-b. Read only the material covered under one heading or subheading at a time.
-c. Read ideas, not just words.
-d. Read aggressively, with the intent of getting answers, of noting supporting details, and of remembering.
4. Recite: Put ideas in your own words
-a. Look away from the book and then "recite" (out loud) the major concepts of the section.
-b. Check your answers referring to the book.
-c. Answer the questions that you raised before you began to read.
-d. Answer fully, and be sure to include the reasons the author believes the answer is true.
-e. Recall the answer and do not refer to the book.
5. wRite: Make "maps" for yourself
-a. Reduce the information
-b. Reread or skim to locate and prove your points.
-c. Write down the key terms and ideas in outline form or using the Cornell System.
-d. Always read/question/recite before marking or taking down notes.
-e. Check yourself against the text. Correct and add to your answer.
6. Review: Further reduce the information
-a. Find personal applications.
-b. Look over your notes and headings and subheadings in the text. Get an overall view of the main points.
-c. Recall subpoints under each main point.
-d. Aim to do an immediate review and later review. Studies show that with immediate review you can retain 80% of what you covered.
-e. Go back periodically and test yourself to see how much you remember. Don't put off review until the night before the test.