page contents

Dear parents and students,


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year here at Washington Community School! My name is Mr. Barbosa and I am the elementary school band director and general music teacher at WCS.  A little bit about myself,  I am a graduate of Montclair State University with a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Theory & Composition and I am currently pursuing my masters degree in education through Stockton University.  I am looking foward to an amazing school year and am thrilled at the opportunity to work with each of you and your children to introduce each child to the creative and expressive world of music! 


P.S. Parents and Guardians please remind your children to bring their instruments to school if they are enrolled in band class every week for their lessons


Mr. Barbosa's Classroom Rules/Procedures:

  • Respect the your teacher and classmates.
  • No talking when the teacher is talking.
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • Raise your hand and remain quiet to speak.
  • Handle the instruments carefully!


  • 1st warning: Verbal warning
  • 2nd warning : email your teacher and parents(s)
  • 3rd Warning: Issue a lunch detention.



Class Schedule



Here a link to my class schedule for the 24-25 school year at WCS

Here is my lesson schedule for band students for the 24-25 school year at WCS



BBOED District School Calendar


Here is the 2024-2025 school year calendar for the Bayonne Board of Education





 Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns to [email protected] or feel free to contact the school at 201-858-5990.