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About Me


Hello and thank you for visiting my webpage! My name is Kimberly Bonora and I am the School Psychologist at Quinton Township School. This is my 16th year in my position and I have loved every year. Before coming to work in Quinton School, I worked and attended classes at Rowan University, where I received my Masters of Arts Degree in School Pscyhology. Please feel free to call me if you would like to discuss any concerns you have with your child!



The Role of a School Psychologist


According to the National Association of School Psychologists, "School psychologists are uniquely qualified members of school teams that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior, to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. School psychologists partner with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community."


Frequently Asked Questions in Regards to Child Study Teams Services


How is a student referred for a Child Study Team Evaluation?


Students between the ages of 3 and 21, suspected of having an educational disability, may be referred to the Child Study Team (CST) for an evaluation by a variety of sources, but generally a referral comes from one of the following: 1. Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) is a building-based interdisciplinary group that meets regularly to provide intervention for students experiencing difficulty in the classroom. Once the I&RS has utilized its resources and determines that additional information may be necessary, or believes that the student may be potentially educationally disabled, the student may be recommended for a Child Study Team evaluation. 2. PARENTS: Parents may request a Child Study Team Evaluation by contacting the Child Study Team Coordinator and forwarding the request in writing. 3. ADMINISTRATORS or OUTSIDE AGENCIES: The principal or other building administrator or an individual from an outside agency (doctor, social worker etc.) may refer a student for a Child Study Team Evaluation.


What is the procedure after the referrral is made?


Once the referral has been made, an Evaluation Planning Meeting is scheduled. The school professionals expected to attend this meeting include a social worker, psychologist, learning disabilities teacher consultant, classroom teacher, speech & language correctionist (if the suspected disability includes this area or if the child is between the ages of 3-5) and the parent.


Are students automatically tested if the request is made?


No. Once a request for a Child Study Team evaluation is made, an Evaluation Planning Meeting is scheduled. At that meeting, it is determined if a Child Study Team Evaluation is warranted and if so, an Evaluation Plan is developed.


What is the procedure if the student is going to be tested?


If it is determined that testing is necessary, a thorough assessment plan is developed and the parent/guardian gives written permission for such testing. The indicated evaluations are initiated after permission is granted. Once testing is completed, an Eligibility Conference is scheduled. The purpose of the Eligibility Conference is to review the completed evaluations, and to then determine if the student meets criteria and therefore requires special education services.


If a student is eligible, does that mean he or she will be in a special education class?


Not necessarily. An Individual Education Plan is developed for each student identified as requiring special education services. This plan spells out the areas of difficulty the student experiences and the methods that will be used to address these difficulties. The Quinton Township School District offers a continuum of service delivery options for students with disabilities, and consideration is always given first to general education programs. A special education classroom is one of these options.