Welcome to Science Class!
Our primary instructional resource is the TCI program. Most classwork, homework, and assessments will be completed and submitted online in TCI, so it can be accessed anywhere that an internet connection is available. The student login page is linked below.
For all announcements, homework reminders, and additional materials, please check the appropriate Google Classroom. Daily announcements and upcoming due dates can be seen on the left-hand side on the "Stream" tab. Additional materials can be found in the "Classwork" tab. (links can be found below for each grade level)
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or questions at [email protected]
or via the Hamburg School number: 973-827-7570 (Ext: 409)
Google Classroom Links:
Other Useful Links:
Information about Grading, Homework, Materials, etc.
Hamburg School Links:
Link to Hamburg School website: https://hamburgschool.com/
Link to Hamburg staff directory: https://hamburgschool.com/faculty/staff-directory/