Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students!
This year the Bayonne Board of Education will once again be using Schoology for our online instruction!
Students can access Schoology by visiting the website: bboed.schoology.com. Login Credentials for both your student Chromebook and Schoology are your First Name, Last Name, and the last two digits of your graduation year, followed by @students.bboed.org.
Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES).
Example username: John [email protected] Example password: bboed123456
More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBOED website at bboed.org
A syllabus and expectations can be found on my students' Schoology page in the red folder titled "Syllabus and General Rules."
American literature is provided to teach students the elements of American literature from the narratives of the early colonists to the foundational documents of our forefathers, and the literature of modern times. In this course, students will gain a firm grasp of the various literary periods throughout American history as well as the ability to analyze different genres and styles of notable American authors. Students will learn test taking strategies in critical reading and, especially hone skills in writing. They will utilize various methods of technology by learning how to research papers, construct digital presentations, save and work collaboratively online (Google Drive). The course will be accompanied by supplemental non-fiction articles, poetry, and video clips. Students will close read texts to analyze and explicate information in literature and informational texts while making connections to the real world. This class also emphasizes the development of grammar, writing, and vocabulary skills.