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Welcome to Title One Math !
Our school's theme this year is :
"A.P. Morris is Un-"bee"-lievable !
We will be working hard to earn"bee bucks" by showing positive character traits and working hard in our groups !
With the bee bucks we will recieve prizes as well as purchase some fun items from our school store. 
I know we will all work together to "bee" great!!!












Your child will receive a colored plastic  envelope with addition flash cards. I will be giving flash cards from +1 all the way up to +10. They will be given out peridodically throughout the year based on your child's needs. Please have your child say the adiition fact and the answer. Please do not write answers on the cards. Please sign the envelope after you practice. I may also send a practice sheet in the envelope if I deem necessary. 


Thank you for all of your support ! 




**The best way to contact me is through e-mail at-  **

[email protected]

You can also send a note with your child
or call the school at 908-352-7664 ext- 5410 and leave a message.
I will call you back when I have a chance.