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732 741-3133 ext. 208

Room  L8

September 14, 2024

Welcome to our room-L8

Just a few reminders:

*Mark your calendars with all 1/2 days
*Send a snack and lunch on a 1/2 day
*No Extended Care on 1/2 days
*Morning snack is a simple dry snack (small Baggie with name on it). Anything else will be put in the lunchbox.  Please open grain bars, goldfish packs ... and put them directly in the baggie.  
* No water bottle is needed for snack. We have cups and water.

School is closed Friday (9/20/24)

This week we will be working with the "forward circle stroke" and "backward circle stroke".  These are the next two basic prewriting strokes that we need to work with to help learn proper formation of letters.  We will be working with "slants"  next week. 

Show and Tell this week will be "name".  This will be anything to do with their first name.  Bring it in on their day in the colored bag that they got during orientation.  The Friday group (Melanie, Nico and Sienna) can bring it any of the other days.

The Friday Folder was sent home today.  It had the permission slip for our class trip in October, and practice sheet for writing their name and pages that explain the proper formation of letters (Zaner Bloser).  A dry erase marker works great and erases easily with a tissue.  Please practice starting on the green dot for each letter!  If the children want to practice writing their name, then let's help them do it the correct way.

It has been so nice  watching the children adjust to the classroom.  They have  learned some rules and routines and are learning their friends' names.  We will continue with the rules and routines as they make the children feel successful when they know what to do or what to expect.

They will all do it in their own way and timeframe!  For some, they will "get it" on the first or second try and for others it takes a little more practice.  This is perfect.  We are all working towards the same goal.  Independence, understanding, compassion, kindness, respect, fairness and gratitude are some of our basic goals alongside the academic component of PreK. 


Please remember that we have requested a simple snack like cereal, Goldfish, pretzels, Veggie Straws for snack in a small baggie. Please be mindful of allergies in the class and contact each other if food treats are being sent in.


 Please remember to make the clothing "easy".  A few have already had a hard time with tight sleeves when they washed their hands.  We will try to help them push up the sleeves but often they won't go up very far and they get the sleeves wet.


PLEASE put names or initials in all sweaters/jackets/coats etc.  

Please remember EASY clothing (sleeves, buttons, snaps, belts)!


Please remember to bring in a new set of "extra" clothes if something is sent home. 

Monday - MiniGymsters
Wednesday - Music - Spanish
Thursday - Library


Please dress your child in "easy" clothing.  Some have trouble with snaps, buttons, tight pants and tight sleeves.  Also, please help your child learn how to undress and dress themselves if they have an accident or spill something.  

Remember, children need to be self sufficient in the bathroom (cleaning and changing).

 If your child wears boots (rain or snow) to school, please bring sneakers for them to change into for school.

Scholastic Book Order Code  P3DBQ 


We are looking forward to a fantastic year!


If you have any questions or concern please contact me. 

 Our Prayer before meals

"Open shut them, open shut them,
e a little clap.
 Open shut them, open shut them,
 Put them in your lap.
 Thank you for the world so sweet,
 Thank you for the food we eat,
 Thank you for the birds that sing,
 Thank you God for everything."

We are implementing a new program this year for "handwriting".  At first we will practice various strokes ( | _ + / \ O ...) before we start writing letters.
We will not be learning formation in alphabetical order.  (Ex. | _ then L and I). We will do capital letters first.  We will also be working on writing their name correctly.


Week of:

   9/ 9/24       "All About Me" (brown paper bag)


Schedule for Specials (1st Trimester)

MONDAY  - MiniGymsters


WEDNESDAY - Music & Spanish

THURSDAY - Library


My email address is


The classroom phone number is 732-741-3133 ext. 208 


** Clothing - Please dress your child in clothing that is manageable for your child, clothing that your child can handle on his/her own especially when rushing to use the bathroom. If the girls are wearing a dress or skirt, they may wish to wear a little pair of shorts under it. They will be tumbling, jumping, stretching and rolling around during the day.

**Dismissal - You will be asked who will be allowed to pick up your child other than yourself (Grandparent, babysitter etc.) If this is going to be an ongoing pick-up arrangement just write a note and let us know who and when. If for any reason your child is going home other than the "usual" way, please let us know on that day with a note. Your child will not be dismissed without your permission. If there is an emergency (lost keys, another child is sick, etc.) and you need your child to go home in a different manner, you must contact the school in some  way.  (732) 741-3133 (office)   (732) 741-2241 (fax)



** Sneakers/Shoes - There is no dress code for shoes in the Pre-K classes, but from experience velcro sneakers are by far the easiest and safest for the children. What a sense of accomplishment when they can put on their own sneakers after Tumble Room. Sneakers are also the safest on the playground equipment too. Climbing on the equipment with UGGs, sandals, open-toed shoes or slippery shoes can be very dangerous.  Wood chips in the sandals is very uncomfortable!

Phone Number

The phone number for the classroom is (732) 741-3133 ext. 208 The message will say that you have reached Pre-K 3. Please let us know if your child is going to be absent. This helps us prepare our day.  Leave a message if you do not get an answer.  If necessary, we will return your call as soon as we can. 

Show & Tell

There will be scheduled days for Show & Tell. Your child has been given a day for Show & Tell. If he/she wants to, they can bring in an item that follows the theme. If they forget to bring it, they can talk about something for that theme. If they bring in something that really doesn't go with the theme, we will try to make some correlation so they feel successful. If there is no school on their scheduled day, they may bring in their show and tell another day that week.  If they are absent or forget their item, they will just miss that week of Show and Tell. Please, no weapons or anything scary.


Work or Play?

Activity Centers/Play Stations

The children will be learning that there is a routine and that there are rules to follow in the classroom. While we are working one on one or in small groups with the children, they will be in activity centers. These areas have been created to enhance their learning experiences. If they come home from school and say that they just played with blocks, they forgot to tell you that they were also sorting, stacking, using size order and even balance. The sand table is a lot of fun, but is also develops fine and gross motor skills, eye-hand coordination and even letter writing to mention a few things. Play dough seems like fun and games, but add some “shape” cookie cutters and you continue a class lesson. The children may come home a little tired. Don’t forget that they have been “working” all day. Even clean up time is a learning experience. Did you ever think that growing up was so hard? We just try to make it fun!

Just a Box of Crayons

While walking in a toy store
The day before today,
I over heard a Crayon Box
With many things to say.


“I don’t like red!” said Yellow.
And Green said, “Nor do I!”
And no one here likes Orange,
But no one knows quite why.


“We are a box of crayons
that really doesn’t get along,”
Said Blue to all the others.
“Something here is wrong!”


Well, I bought that box of crayons
And took it home with me
And laid out all the crayons
So the crayons could all see


They watched me as I colored
With Red and Blue and Green
And Black and White and Orange
And every color in between


They watched as Green became the grass
And Blue became the sky.
The Yellow sun was shining bright
On White clouds drifting by.


Colors changing as they touched,
Becoming something new.
They watched me as I colored.
They watched till I was through.


And when I’d finally finished,
I began to walk away.
And as I did the Crayon box
Had something more to say……..


“I do like Red! ” said the Yellow
And Green said, “So do I !”
And Blue you are terrific!
“So high up in the sky.”


“We are a Box of Crayons
Each of us unique,
But when we get together
The picture is complete”