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Mrs. Cotgreave & Mrs. Shambach 



 Merry Christmas 4th Grade Families!

Mrs. Schambach and I


and are so grateful for all the wonderful gifts and kind sentiments that you presented us with this Christmas season.

You have truly spoiled us!

May God bless your generous hearts and giving nature.

We appreciate the support you give us as we educate the children and provide them with guidance toward success in a compassionate learning environment.


May you all find warmth, love, and gratitude among your celebrations this Christmas!


Thank you again for your thoughtfulness and kindness! 





Dates to Remember:


 After the break, we will begin The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. Please be sure you have the book when we return to school on January 2, 2025


STAR TESTING 1/6 - 1/7



4B class spelling bee = Friday Jan. 17th

2 winners determined

School-wide Spelling Bee

Thursday January 23rd




2nd Trimester Specials for 4B

Monday - computers

Tuesday - gym

Wednesday - art 

Thursday - Spanish

Friday - STEAM





[email protected]