page contents

                                                     virtual character interactive classroom  

laptop teaching


 Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!  My name is Ms. Hemingway. I began teaching as a Public School teacher at Pinelands Regional School District in 1999, and joined the Middle Township School family in 2010. 


In my class we have a passport incentive system.  Students earn stamps for positive behaviors and accomplishments.  The stamps earned result in tangible rewards. Students are graded according to the school's grade scale percentages. Math percentages are 60% Summative (formal), and 40% formative (informal).  


You can use the links to the left.  There are also links in my "Virtual Character Classroom".  If you follow the links to the Virtual classroom you can click on the globe for a fun continents video, the calculator for the Math textbook, and the science teacher for the science textbook,  along with many other clickable links (google, blooket, email, flocabulary).   Please contact me and I will be happy to address any questions or concerns that arise throughout the school year.





My contact information is:

[email protected]

My website is

or voicemail extension 4704 (call 609-465-1800)